Community Awards Criteria


Sue Jarrett Award for Services to the Community

Sue was a valued member of the SNI’s Promotion and Tourism Group, indeed had the role of Vice Chair.  Sue was very active in the community and was well known.  Unfortunately, Sue passed away in September 2020.  The criteria for nominations is as follows:


Personal Responsibility

Demonstrate ability to give back to the community

Recognised Achievements

John Davies Award

John has been a valued member of the St Neots Initiative for over twenty years. On top of his day job, John took on the role of Chairman, and then as a key member of the Management Team.  John has always seen the potential of St Neots, working with many organisations and bodies to make St Neots a better place to live, work and play.  Please nominate a citizen of St Neots if you recognise any of the following in them;

Commitment to making St Neots a better place to live, work and play

Taking personal responsibility to help others

Giving back to the St Neots community

Bringing groups or bodies together to make change in St Neots

Young Person Award (Age 10 – 25 years?)

The Rising Star Award celebrates young people who have demonstrated aptitude, creativity and spirit through learning and experiences outside of a formal education setting. This award recognises that these traits are highly valued by employers, colleges and universities. Please nominate a young person (10-25) who has demonstrated these qualities;

Commitment to the community of St Neots

Taking personal responsibility to help others

Achievements which may not have yet been recognised

Overcoming challenges

Carer Award

This award is open to all citizens of St Neots without any upper or lower age limit. This award celebrates citizens who have had a significant impact on the lives of others without receiving any payment or financial reward. actively made change happen in the last 18 months, with no payment or financial reward. Please nominate a citizen of St Neots if they have shown any of the following;

Actively made change happen in the past 18 months

Perseverance through adversity

Significant impact on the lives of a vulnerable person, other unpaid carers and/or going the extra mile

Recognising achievements and support for unpaid carers

Celebrate the dedication that Carers show to the local community or society or the difference they have made to the life of a vulnerable person they are caring for

Mental Health Champion Award

Since 2019 many threats have been imposed to the mental wellbeing and health of millions worldwide, and as we continue to navigate through unprecedented times, the roles of companies/individuals remain of critical importance. Please nominate a St Neots company or citizen who has demonstrated the following;

Taking action to raise awareness of mental health

Challenging stigma and instigating change

Demonstrating integrity and respect for others

Perseverance through adversity

Showing courage and compassion for others through their actions


Mental Health Champion Award

Designed to recognise those outstanding individuals who have innovated, inspired, and have gone beyond what is expected in their recent work to protect, preserve or enhance the environment. Please nominate a citizen of St Neots who has;

Addressed the environmental impact of wasted resource

Promoted environmental awareness either within St Neots or further afield

Redesigned supply chains or business models to help protect, preserve or enhance the environment

Introduced new products that reduce the impact on the environment


Environment Award

An educator works with others to help them grown in their lives outside of and beyond the formal school setting, teaching, informing and inspiring others. This award will recognise the St Neots educator who has;

Accepted responsibility for the education process by supporting and assisting others

Inspired young or vulnerable people to achieve their full potential

Broken down barriers between groups to improve the community

Opened up opportunities for others to learn from each other


Retail Award

This covers a wide range of retailers, from those involved in hospitality, clothing, food – this is not limited.  We want to know what makes your shop a success.


Contribution you or your business makes to the town in general

Customer Service

Potential for further growth

Culture that promotes and support their staff

Manufacturing Award:  Who can demonstrate a positive societal impact as a result of their practices and/or products.


Manufacturers who have supported and embraced their local community, network or environment

Improved efficiencies and productivity outcomes through innovative ways of working

Offered work placements or training for those at risk of unemployment

Developed a new, innovative product/service that demonstrates the value and contribution of manufacturing to society

Professional Services

Open to businesses that provide legal and financial professional services.


Can demonstrate the ways that it works supporting clients and the business

Demonstrate innovation in its approach to the services they provide clients

Robust business strategy in terms of sales, skills, and finance with a track record of success

Demonstrate how you have met the changing demands of your customers while keeping your own practice on track under most trying of circumstances

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